Jumat, 19 Juli 2024



https://www.youtube.com/shorts/tkrua_REoxA  (Pastor Priya Abraham)

Moses asked, God, what is your  name?

What should I tell  if people ask me?  Who sent  me? 

God looked at Moses   and  said: 

Moses, I have many names  what shoukd I give 

Elohim. El shaddai,  Jehovah  Rapha, Jehovah Shammah , Jehovah Raah, Jehovah Jireh 

What should I give you? 

So, I give my name  to you as  I AM THAT I AM

 I AM THAT I AM is in your yiur English Bible 

When you see that in Hebrew:  EHYEH ASHER  EHYEH

I'm all sufficient God Moses  what  you want  me  to  be I   will be that  I will be that to you, 

I will be you healer , I will be you  deliverer,  I'm you provider,  I'm your best  friend .  

Ref.  Exodus 3: 13 - 14).

JPS,  19 Juli 2024. 


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