Suasana Misa Gereja Katolik Maronit (Berbahasa Arab)
NB: Komuni Gereja Katolik Maronit langsung diberikan di mulut, tidak diteruma di tangan.
(Lagu berikut ada di hampir pertengashan Misa - Saat / setelah Konsekrasi.
1. Kyrie eleison (?)
Kyrie eleison (55 3 34 32 )
Kyrie eleison ( 12 32 1 7 6 .)
Kyrie eleison ( 7 21 75 6)
2. Tabarakallah ?
Tabarakallah (Semoga Allah memberkatimu).
JPS, 1 November 2022.
3. Salmo (Psalm) 36
LIVE Pope Francis in Iraq | Holy Mass with Pope Francis in Baghdad - March 6th 2021
LIVE Pope Francis in Iraq | Holy Mass with Pope Francis in Baghdad - March 6th 2021
LIVE Pope Francis in Iraq | Holy Mass with Pope Francis in Baghdad - March 6th 2021
LIVE Pope Francis in Iraq | Holy Mass with Pope Francis in Baghdad - March 6th 2021
LIVE Pope Francis in Iraq | Holy Mass with Pope Francis in Baghdad - March 6th 2021
LIVE Pope Francis in Iraq | Holy Mass with Pope Francis in Baghdad - March 6th 2021
Rakaat odamo ,w mesikt fe
eiydo.sarakh-t baala soaat........ (i knwlt down before him,i hold his hand,i
cried out him....loudly)
Hayaty tebaa leek al-youm (today ,my life
belongs to you lord)
Tesh- had aan Yasua w
twool,Howa da al-Tareek, (to bear witness to jesus , to say .."he is the
way") w hoa al-Maleek.Howa da Elah-i-al-abady (He is the king,He is my
eternal God)
Taala w sallem hayatak odamo
.Da howa Elah-ak (Come and surrender your life to him ,He is your God,)
W hases be halak.Hayedeelak
awowa,w yedeelak norsra ala kol kh -atya.Matrannem maaya (grant you victory
,over every sin,come sing with me,)
Hayaty tebaa leek al-youm
(Today ,my life belongs to you lord)
Dawart kteer-ala shei yes-edni
(I searched alot to find something to make me happy)
Hawelt alaai-haga teshbe'ni (Tries to find
some thing that could satisfy me)
wfdelt tayeh,fe al-donia hayem
(but i went lost, wandering in this world,)
Albi lessa atshaan (my heart
was still empty and thirsty.
seme't wahed, bynadini.
Aal:" taal,emsek beidi. Ana arfak, d-Ana khalaak. Ana hases beek (I heard
some one calling my name told me to hold his hand ,i know you,i created you ,i
felt your pain )
w gait ashanak ya habibi, mott
badalak ala al -salib ,Wahabtak hayah (i came for you o my beloved,i died for
you on the cross , i gifted you this life)
W edetak nagah.Kol znobak
maghfoora laka. (i gave you salvation and all your sins are forgiven)
w shoft eiydo mamdoda leya
,Bellamsa SHAFYA FATAH ENAYA.nawar tari'y.Ghayar hayaty. (and i saw his hands
reaching out for me,with healing touch he open my eyes,he shed light on path
and changed my life)
Ana eli kont be-eid (i was gone
too far away..)
Ezay makontesh shayf rabbi?
(How ,i couldn't see my lord)
w kont aiyesh men ghero gambi?
(how did i live with out him,stays beside me?)
Rakaat odamo ,w mesikt fe
eiydo.sarakh-t baala soaat........ (i knwlt down before him,i hold his hand,i
cried out him....loudly)
Hayaty tebaa leek al-youm (today ,my life
belongs to you lord)
Tesh- had aan Yasua w
twool,Howa da al-Tareek, (to bear witness to jesus , to say .."he is the
way") w hoa al-Maleek.Howa da Elah-i-al-abady (He is the king,He is my
eternal God)
Taala w sallem hayatak odamo
.Da howa Elah-ak (Come and surrender your life to him ,He is your God,)
W hases be halak.Hayedeelak
awowa,w yedeelak norsra ala kol kh -atya.Matrannem maaya (grant you victory
,over every sin,come sing with me,)
Hayaty tebaa leek al-youm
(Today ,my life belongs to you lord)
Enta Elaahi (You are my God)....Lovely Arabic Christian Song (Subtitle)
For English
translation & Arabic Lyrics in English : go to settings & click
subtitle for laptop/desktop. For smart phone : Click Caption button and select
any English , Bahasa Indonesia , French , Chinese main land , Chinese Taiwan ,
Portuguese , Romanian and Spanish. God Bless you. Lyrics in English &
English translation provided by Brother Bashar Abu Leil from Jordan. Thank you
Bro Bashar for responding my request and your time , effort for this beautiful
Gospel work. God Bless You and your Family )
Kaan nifsi
rabbi kulli ddonya agiibha liik ( I wish if i can give the whole world to my Lord)
makanshi oosaad hanaanak da ywaffiik ( But that is not enough compare with your
uu law idirtii
agiblaak haaga wi ahdiik ( And if i could give You something as a gift)
Mamlukshi gayr albi illi saaged iindi reglayk
( I have only my heart to offer at Your feet )
(2) inta elaahi inta abuuyaa ( You are my God
, You are my Father)
inta habiibi
wikullilmunaa ( You are my beloved and all my hope is in You )
Bahibbak wi dayman haaiish fii huduurk ( Lord
i love You and I will live always in Your presence ) Yalli habbitnii bahibbak
anaa ( You are the one who loved me , I love You too)
(2) Rabbi
bigaddi ana madyuun bi hayaati liik ( Lord i obliged to give my life to You)
Albi wi ruuhi
wi kulli kayaani biyigruu aalayk (I will follow You with all my heart and soul)
wi tuul ayyami
aiiish bi 'amaana wanaa bardiik (Lord i serve You faithfully in all my days)
Di farhit
albii wi kulli kifayti farhit iinayk ( I need the Your joy to come in to my
(2) Inta elaahi inta abuuyaa ( You are my God
, You are my father)
inta habiibi
wikullilmunaa ( You are my beloved and all my hope is in You )
Bahibbak wi
dayman haaiish fii huduurk (Lord i love You and I will live always in your
presence ) Yalli habbitnii bahibbak anaa ( You are the one who loved me , i
love You too) (2)
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